Marco Dolcinelli – EVS project
I arrived in Serbia more than two months ago. So far my staying here has been a wonderful experience and I know it will be so until the end. Why I am so sure? Because an EVS project is always a big deal and you can only improve and grow up taking part in one. I really mean it, so much so that this is actually my second EVS, so I am kind of an expert. If I have to be honest, my first project was not that good, but despite of this it was a really life-changing experience. When I had the opportunity to do it again, I did not hesitate, not even for a second… ok, maybe I did for a second, but eventually I decided to go.
EVS is all about leaving your comfort zone. This is why it is always useful. You are in a new environment, in a new country, with new people around. And you can improve. You have to. This is what I think I did and what I want to do. This is what everyone of you can do. You have just to want it. Then, if this new adventure is in a beautiful country like Serbia, everything is better and funnier. I had already some knowledge about Balkans. Once I went in Croatia for a holiday and my first EVS project was in Macedonia. Despite of this, every day I could discover something new. I am really enjoying everything about Serbia: food, people, places, customs. For instance, for the first in my life I could live the orthodox Christmas and it was really interesting, although I am not that much into religion. Of course, there is also the dark side of living away from home. I really miss my friends, my family and my cat. Fortunately, in SEC I have met a lot of wonderful people who are helping me and making me feel like home. Ok, none of them is a cat, but never mind, I can go through this… maybe… Another challenge for me, it is to live on my own for the first time in my life. It is very cool, but it can be demanding. As I told you, EVS is about going out your comfort zone, at all levels. I am learning to do a lot of new things. Even when I am home alone, I can grow up and this is great. The first time I managed to do some laundry on my own, I was so happy I wanted to phone my mom and tell her „mom, I don’t need you anymore. Goodbye“. But then it came to my mind she is still feeding my cat, so… In conclusion, my coming in Serbia is proving to be one of the best choices I have ever taken. I am very happy I am here. If you will have the same opportunity I had in the future, just use it. Trust me. I am an expert.
Marco Dolcinelli